Friday, January 16, 2009

Last Bridge to Nowhere or Entertaining at the White House with Nancy Reagan

Last Bridge to Nowhere: FBI Confidential Source Account of Alaska's Political Corruption Scandal

Author: Frank Prewitt

The Department of Justice is entering its sixth year investigating and prosecuting one of the biggest cases of political corruption in U.S. history. At issue is the high stakes game of taxing and developing an Alaska gas pipeline and the toxic slick of political corruption that Sarah Palin faced. Wired for light and sound, the author embarks on an incredible journey into the undercover world of FBI surveillance and the corroding influence of special interest, money and power.

Last Bridge To Nowhere is a disturbingly humorous tale that exposes the underside of power politics, offering thoughtful observations on character, responsibility and public trust. But the pages turn more like a season special of Desperate Housewives Go To Washington: political intrigue and provocative crime, tossed and served in a delicious wrap of irreverence.

You'll laugh, you may even cry, but you don't want to miss this book.

Interesting book: Wine Atlas of Australia or Primal Cheeseburger

Entertaining at the White House with Nancy Reagan

Author: Peter Schifando

What do you serve the Sultan of Oman and his enormous entourage for dinner? Who should sit next to a foreign dignitary who doesn't speak a word of English? Why is it that there is always less silverware at the end of a state dinner than you had when the night began?

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan answers these questions and more as she provides a rare and intimately personal look at life as a White House hostess. Mrs. Reagan embraced this role with a unique energy and joie de vivre rare among her predecessors, and she has been waiting for the right moment in history to share her stories. From tales of her first event as a White House hostess (the President's surprise 70th birthday party, which was mistakenly announced by Tom Brokaw on Today that very morning), to the state dinner at which Mikhail Gorbachev refused to wear a tuxedo, to John Travolta's infamous dance with Princess Diana, Mrs. Reagan has seen it all. She will write the book's foreword, and world-renowned interior designers Peter Schifando and Jonathan Joseph have worked closely with her to create the ultimate insider's guide to these fantastic soirees.

Chock full of personal anecdotes and glorious photographs from the former First Lady's private collection, the Ronald Reagan Library, and the White House Historical Society, as well as historical tidbits, Entertaining at the White House with Nancy Reagan is the definitive source on classic formal entertaining.

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